With new dry eye features and upgraded displays that provide more information in one place, iTrace Version 7.0 — iTrace Prime — is changing expectations for doctors and surgeons around the world! Click to learn more about what this exciting new upgrade can add to your practice!

See iTrace Prime in action!

Academic and Clinical
Excellence with the iTrace

If you’re a practitioner interested in learning more about the ways the iTrace can benefit your practice, just give us a call — a representative from Tracey Technologies will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have as you make your decision about our technology!

We also understand, though, that a big part of the decision about whether to adopt a new technology involves doing your research and making sure the device can provide the results that you need in an accurate, repeatable manner.

We believe that the iTrace is unrivaled in terms of the information it can provide to doctors — and you can have faith that all of that information is generated in the most precise way possible. After all, as one of the most trusted devices by academic researchers, the iTrace has been used in clinical studies since the technology was developed.

Please browse the lists below to access research focusing on the quality of the iTrace, as well as those in which the iTrace plays a key role in gathering data.

Studies that Focus on the iTrace or Its Technology

There’s a growing base of research that exists in which the primary methods of the iTrace are studied and/or compared against similar functions of competing devices. We’ve listed the most notable examples here for your benefit:

Studies in Which the iTrace Is Used

Below you can find selections from a growing body of research in which the iTrace was used as a method of gathering data central to the study’s core focuses. In fact, the iTrace has been used by almost every company in the prebyopic treatment space to study the results of these devices and therapies.

Want to learn more about how
the iTrace can help you?

Schedule a demo or request a login to access iTrace U, our expansive collection of iTrace user tutorials and demonstration videos!